Get Kovan ETH + ERC20s

Steps to get test ETH and other Kovan tokens for development.

Get Kovan ETH (KETH) from a Kovan faucet

  1. Navigate to the gitter Kovan faucet chatroom using the link above

  2. Copy and paste your wallet address into the chatroom and hit send

  3. If successful, you will be tagged in a message in the chatroom by Scott Bigelow and receive 6 KETH. You may only request KETH from this faucet 1 time every 48 hours, and sometimes there may be a delay between when you send your message and when you get sent KETH. It is OK to try again if it is taking a long, you just will only receive KETH for the first message they read.

  1. Navigate to the faucet using the link above

  2. Connect your Github account

  3. Paste your wallet address

Swap KETH for ERC20 tokens

  1. Make sure your wallet is connected to Kovan, not Mainnet or another network

  2. Navigate to the Uniswap interface using the link above

  3. Double check that you are connected to Kovan by looking in the top right corner of the app

  4. Swap KETH for ERC20s

Some Suggested ERC20s to swap for in order to test all Charged Particles functionality:



Kovan Address





Energizing, Discharging, and Releasing with Interest-Earning Assets

Energizing and Releasing with Non-Interest-Earning Asset

Uniswap alternative: Use an individual project's faucet to receive ERC20s (less reliable than Uniswap, as the location of these faucets sometimes gets updated)

Last updated