Current Status

Please see our Roadmap for more information on where we're going.

Current status:

  • NFT Support

    • Current: our protocol currently supports NFTs that are created using the Charged Particle Minting Station (Protons), as well as many ERC-721 NFTs minted on

    • We're doing this to ensure safety for users on the platform.

    • Users can mint their own NFTs or choose other NFTs created by Charged Particles Users.

    • Future: Users can add a charge to nearly any NFT - even if created on another platform.

  • Deposit Asset Support

    • Current: ANY ERC-20, ERC-721, or ERC-1155 token can be deposited into NFTs via the Charged Particles DApp.

  • Interest-Bearing Asset Support

    • Current: Support aTokens as the primary interest-bearing assets on the Charged Particle Protocol.

    • Future: Users can energize Particles with many other interest-bearing assets.

Last updated