

  • params ChargedConstructor Charged parameter object.


const charged = new Charged({providers: window.ethereum});
const allStateAddresses = await charged.utils.getStateAddress();

const polygonProvider = [
   network: 137, 
   service: {alchemy: process.env.ALCHEMY_POLYGON_KEY}
const charged = new Charged({providers: polygonProvider})


Charged class constructor object parameter.

Type: Object


  • providers (Array<NetworkProvider> | providers.Provider | providers.ExternalProvider)? Provider for connection to the Ethereum network.

  • signer Signer? Needed to send signed transactions to the Ethereum Network to execute state changing operations.

  • config ConfigurationParameters



const charged = new Charged({providers: window.ethereum});
const creatorAnnuities = await charged.utils.getStateAddress();

Returns UtilsService


Get the address of the chargedState contract.

Returns string state contract address


Get the address of the chargedSettings contract.

Returns string settings contract address


Get the address of the chargedManagers contract.

Returns string manager contract address


Get the deposit fee of the protocol.

Returns string protocol fee amount.




const charged = new Charged({providers: window.ethereum});

const nft = charged.NFT( '0xd1bce91a13089b1f3178487ab8d0d2ae191c1963', 43);

const creatorAnnuities = await nft.getCreatorAnnuities();

Returns NftService Instance of the NFT connected to the charged particle protocol


Gets the amount of asset tokens that have been deposited into the Particle.


  • walletManagerId WalletManagerId The ID of the wallet manager to check.

  • assetToken string The address of the asset token to check.

Returns BigNumber The Amount of underlying assets held within the token.


Gets the amount of interest that the particle has generated.


  • walletManagerId WalletManagerId The ID of the Wallet Manager.

  • assetToken string The address of the asset Token to check.

Returns BigNumber The amount of interest generated.


Gets the amount of LP Tokens that the Particle has generated.


  • walletManagerId WalletManagerId The ID of the Wallet Manager.

  • assetToken string The Address of the Asset Token to check.

Returns BigNumber The amount of LP tokens that have been generated.


Gets the total amount of ERC721 tokens that the Particle holds.


  • basketManagerId string The ID of the BasketManager to check.

Returns BigNumber The total amount of ERC721 tokens that are held within the Particle.


Gets the amount of creator annuities reserved for the creator for the specified NFT.

Returns address The address of the creator.

Returns number The percentage amount of annuities reserved for the creator.


Get the address that receives creator annuities for a given Particle/ Defaults to creator address if it has not been redirected.

Returns address The address of the creator.

Returns number The percentage amount of annuities reserved for the creator.


Gets the tokenUri using the tokenId and contractAddress of the Particle.

Returns string Token metadata URI.


Gets the Discharge timelock state of the Particle.


  • sender string The address approved for Discharging assets from the Particle.

Returns [boolean, boolean, BigNumber, BigNumber] [allowFromAll, isApproved, timelock, empLockExpiry]


Gets the Discharge timelock state of the Particle.


  • sender string The address approved for Releasing assets from the Particle.

Returns [boolean, boolean, BigNumber, BigNumber] [allowFromAll, isApproved, timelock, empLockExpiry]


Gets the Bonds Timelock state of the Particle.


  • sender string The address approved for removing Bond assets from the Particle.

Returns boolean allowFromAll

Returns boolean isApproved

Returns BigNumber timelock

Returns BigNumber tempLockExpiry


Fund particle with asset token Must be called by the account providing the asset. Account must also approve THIS contract as operator as asset.

If you are getting gas limit errors this may be because you forgot to approve the contract as operator of asset


  • walletManagerId WalletManagerId The Asset-Pair to Energize the Token with

  • assetToken string The Address of the Asset Token being used

  • assetAmount BigNumberish The Amount of Asset Token to Energize the Token with

  • chainId number? Optional parameter that allows for the user to specify which network to write to

  • referrer string?


// Asset amount expects a big numberish type. If you do not supply a
// big number object, ethers will assume you are working in wei.
// Deposits 20 USDC tokens into our particle that will accrue interest.

const USDCoinAddress = '0xUSDC';
const result = await nft.energize(
  ethers.utils.parseUnits("20", 6),
// Or, deposit assets that will not accrue interest
// or assets that are not supported by our yield generating protocols (e.g. aave)

// For example, we will energize our particle with 20 monkey coins
// This will not generate interest.
const monkeyCoinAddress = '0xMONKEY';
const result = await nft.energize(

Returns Promise<ContractTransaction> - Details from the transaction.

Solidity Contract Method


Allows the owner or operator of the token to collect or transfer the interest generated from the token without removing the underlying asset that is held within the token.


  • receiver string The address to receive the discharged asset tokens.

  • walletManagerId WalletManagerId The wallet manager of that assets to discharge from the token.

  • assetToken string The address of the asset token being discharged.

  • chainId number? Optional parameter that allows for the user to specify which network to write to.j


const myWallet = '0xWALLET';
const rocketPoolAddress = '0xRPL';
const result = await nft.discharge(

// You can also discharge to any arbitrary wallet!
// Let's send all of our interest accrued by our DAI to Vitalik.
const vitaliksWallet = '0xCOOLGUY';
const daiAddress = '0xDAI';
const result = await nft.discharge(

Returns Promise<ContractTransaction> - Details from the transaction.

Solidity Contract Method


Allows the owner or operator of the Token to collect or transfer a specific amount of the interest generated from the token without removing the underlying Asset that is held within the token.


  • receiver string The address to receive the discharged asset tokens.

  • walletManagerId WalletManagerId The wallet manager of the assets to discharge from the token.

  • assetToken string The address of the asset token being discharged.

  • assetAmount BigNumberish The specific amount of asset token to discharge from the particle.

  • chainId number? Optional parameter that allows for the user to specify which network to write to.

Returns Promise<ContractTransaction> - Details from the transaction.

Solidity Contract Method


Allows the Creator of the Token to collect or transfer a their portion of the interest (if any) generated from the token without removing the underlying Asset that is held within the token.


  • receiver string The address to receive the discharged asset tokens

  • walletManagerId WalletManagerId The wallet manager of the assets to discharge from the token

  • assetToken string The address of the asset token being discharged

  • assetAmount BigNumberish The specific amount of asset token to discharge from the particle

  • chainId number? Optional parameter that allows for the user to specify which network to write to

Returns Promise<ContractTransaction> - Details from the transaction.

Solidity Contract Method


Releases the full amount of asset + interest held within the particle by LP of the assets. To release NFT assets from your particle, see break bond.


  • receiver string The address to receive the released asset tokens.

  • walletManagerId WalletManagerId The wallet manager of the assets to release from the token.

  • assetToken string The address of the asset token being released.

  • chainId number? Optional parameter that allows for the user to specify which network to write to.


// Release the DAI from our particle. Withdraws the interest (if any) as well!
const receiver = '0xMYWALLET';
const daiAddress = '0xDAI';
const result = nft.release(

Returns Promise<ContractTransaction> - Details from the transaction.

Solidity Contract Method


Releases a partial amount of asset + interest held within the particle by LP of the assets.


  • receiver string The address to receive the released asset tokens

  • walletManagerId WalletManagerId The wallet manager of the assets to release from the token

  • assetToken string The address of the asset token being released

  • assetAmount BigNumberish The specific amount of asset token to release from the particle

  • chainId number? Optional parameter that allows for the user to specify which network to write to

Returns Promise<ContractTransaction> - Details from the transaction.

Solidity Contract Method


Deposit other NFT assets into the particle. Must be called by the account providing the asset. Account must approve THIS contract as operator of asset.


  • basketManagerId string The basket to deposit the NFT into.

  • nftTokenAddress string The address of the NFT token being deposited.

  • nftTokenId string The ID of the NFT token being deposited.

  • nftTokenAmount number The amount of tokens to deposit (ERC1155-specific).

  • chainId number? Optional parameter that allows for the user to specify which network to write to.


const nftTokenAddress = '0xMOONBIRDS';
const tokenId = '12';
const result = await nft.bond(

// We have 12 erc-1155 nfts that we want to bond to the particle.
const nftTokenAddress = '0xCOOLGAME';
const tokenId = '78';
const result = await nft.bond(

Returns Promise<ContractTransaction> - Details from the transaction.

Solidity Contract Method


Release NFT assets from the particle.


  • receiver string The address to receive the released asset tokens.

  • basketManagerId string The basket to release the NFT from.

  • nftTokenAddress string The address of the NFT token being released.

  • nftTokenId string The ID of the NFT token being released.

  • nftTokenAmount Number The amount of tokens to deposit (ERC1155-specific).

  • chainId number? Optional parameter that allows for the user to specify which network to write to.


// We bonded 14 erc-1155 nfts to our particle. We want to release 3.
// When working with erc-721 use 1 for nftTokenAmount.
const receiver = '0xMYWALLET';
const nftTokenAddress = '0xNFTS';
const tokenId = '35';
const result = await nft.breakBond(

Returns Promise<ContractTransaction> - Details from the transaction

Solidity Contract Method


Sets a timelock on the ability to release the assets of a particle.


  • unlockBlock number The Ethereum block number to timelock until (~15 seconds per block).

  • chainId number? Optional parameter that allows for the user to specify which network to write to.

Returns Promise<ContractTransaction> - Details from the transaction.

Solidity Contract Method


Sets a timelock on the ability to discharge the assets of a particle


  • unlockBlock number The Ethereum block number to timelock until (~15 seconds per block).

  • chainId number? Optional parameter that allows for the user to specify which network to write to.

Returns Promise<ContractTransaction> - Details from the transaction.

Solidity Contract Method


Sets a timelock on the ability to break the covalent bond of a particle


  • unlockBlock number The Ethereum block number to timelock until (~15 seconds per block).

  • chainId number? Optional parameter that allows for the user to specify which network to write to.

Returns Promise<ContractTransaction> - Details from the transaction.

Solidity Contract Method


Sets the custom configuration for creators of proton-based NFTs Must be called by account that created and owns the particle


  • creator string The creator's address of the proton-based NFT.

  • annuityPercent BigNumberish The percentage of interest-annuities to reserve for the creator. In decimal this can range from 0 - 10000. 5712 would be 57.12%..

  • chainId number? Optional parameter that allows for the user to specify which network to write to.

Returns Promise<ContractTransaction> - Details from the transaction.

Solidity Contract Method


Sets a custom receiver address for the creator annuities Must be called by account that created and owns the particle


  • receiver string The receiver of the creator interest annuities.

  • chainId number? Optional parameter that allows for the user to specify which network to write to.

Returns Promise<ContractTransaction> - Details from the transaction.

Solidity Contract Method

Last updated

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